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Harnessing The Power Of The Pause In Turbulent Times
What can you do when everything feels too much? As the crazy events of the world around us rage on, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But, how can you move beyond those feelings and reclaim your calm? Well, today we’re going to look at how to catch your breath and...
Coping With Uncertainty: Practical Strategies That Actually Help
We live in frustrating times. In our little corner of the world, we are lucky in many respects when compared to what is currently being experienced globally. But, that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with the ongoing disappointment of cancelled plans and not...
Why You Need A Word Of The Year And How To Choose It
Looking for a fresh start in the new year? As December winds down, many of us are drawn to consider our goals for the coming year. Unfortunately, resolutions are often hastily chosen and soon forgotten, and the energy of starting over tends to fade quickly as the...
Your End Of Year Values Review
As the year draws to an end, many of us are beginning to look ahead to the new year, filled with motivation and aspirations for everything we want to achieve. While it might be tempting to write off the last 12 months completely, there is value in taking some time...
How To Build Resilience When It All Feels Too Hard
2021 was meant to be our fresh start. After a tough 2020, we were meant to put lockdowns, home schooling, and all that other bad stuff behind us. Then, 2021 came along and gave us an unexpected surprise. And not a good one. So, after almost 2 years of upheaval, it...
How To Spring Clean Your Life
Spring is in the air! Often, we feel like renewed energy filling us up and we would like to make the most of it! So, why not plan for a spring clean to help you feel refreshed and revitalised? In this blog I will tell you why it is important to go with our natural...
8 Amazing Benefits Of Journaling
Journaling has become incredibly popular in recent years. But it is not a new phenomenon. In fact, the practice of keeping a journal has been around for centuries. That means millions of people have benefitted from this practice. Journaling is one of the tools I...
How To Feel Better About Your Life With A Reflective Mid-Year Review
July is a great time for some reflective practices and for performing a mid-year review. The word ‘review’ can sound very business-like and you may feel a resistance to apply it to your personal life. If this is how you feel, that’s totally fine, simply use another...
Discovering Your True North
Do you ever feel disconnected from what you do or people you are with? You may be having a perfectly nice conversation, but you notice you are making an effort to stay with that person and with that subject. Your mind wonders somewhere else. You wish you could talk...
What Are Values?
Do you often find yourself feeling dissatisfied with your life, a bit unsettled, or a form of unease for no apparent reason? If so, it might be because you are living out of alignment with your personal values. This can happen when we make decisions to please...